Stripping and Waxing

Make your floors shine like new with our stripping process or just give them a touch up with our buffing and scrubbing options. For that final touch we lay down our specially designed wax to make your floors shimmer like a water.


Our buffing process is used on floors that are still in good shape and just need a few touch ups or to bring back its original shine. We also this as maintenance care after stripping or scrubbing to keep your floors in the best condition possible.


With our scrubbing option we take away the top few layers of dirt, wax, and other imperfections in your floor to bring it back to life. This method is used on floors that are not too far gone and can still be saved.


Stripper is used on floors that have gone years with out any sort of treatment or in high flow traffic areas where a large amount of damage or imperfections is present. With this process we take your floor down to its original coat and build it back up for strength, durability, and a brand new look.


Waxing your floors is the final process we use in any of our floor treatment process's whether its buffing, scrubbing, or stripping. Wax acts as a layer of protectant for your floor soaking up all the damage so your original floor stays in tact. This process also gives your floor a nice shimmer to really make it stand out. Check out some of the pictures below and see the difference this process can do for you.

Christian Cleaning Services

1025 S.W. Blvd. Jefferson City, MO. 65109

Phone: 573-636-3111
